Transformation installation, a specially tailor-made work of art for your event

Do you recognize these thoughts? ● You organize wonderful and in-depth workshops and/or retreats, but you feel that something is still missing. ● You are looking for a visual creation that inspires, mirrors and takes participants on an inner journey.

● You are looking for a collaboration partner who not only understands how important the visual aspect is, but is also able to strengthen your participants' consciousness processes .

● You notice that you often have too little time for the visual aspect of the workshop, because your attention is fully focused on the arrangements, the participants and the program. This is at the expense of the atmosphere and harmony of the room.

What would it be like? ● Imagine that I create a visual element for your event that powerfully reflects the theme of your workshops. ● Imagine me creating a visual element for you that not only touches on your profound theme, but also resonates with participants in other ways. A spatial work of art that allows participants to 'mirror' themselves and experience a deeper connection. ● Imagine that there is an artist who takes the theme of your workshop with care and attention and turns it into something beautiful. A creation that reflects the essence of the workshop and deeply touches the participants. ● Imagine that there is someone who focuses entirely on creating spatial work, so that you can concentrate on the program and the participants. This would improve the atmosphere and harmony of the room and give you the opportunity to fully dedicate yourself to facilitating the workshop.

Discover the power of transformation with unique transformation installations. These installations arose from the request of various 5 rhythm dance teachers to add a visual component to their workshops. They serve as guides to the inner process of the participants and form a benchmark in the room. I work intuitively and empathetically with the themes that emerge and like to create a work of art that fits perfectly with the workshop. My installations are not only interwoven with the theme of the workshop, but also with the transformation process of the participants themselves. They form a true transformation installation.

How it works A Zoom call or live meeting to get acquainted and discuss your workshop. I design a custom creation We will then have contact and I will present the idea to you, there is still room for some adjustments. The result: a themed artwork/installation for your workshop, which, if desired, also transforms over time and the workshop.

What a transformation installation can do for you.

● The installation provides a benchmark in the space, where the participants can retreat during his/her processes.

● A unique creation that makes the theme of the workshop visual and holds up a beautiful mirror.

● The transformation installation supports the intention  ● It strengthens the learning process because there is a visual component (very nice for people who learn optically). ● It gives a nice atmosphere to the room ● A workshop in which the intention, theme and spatial work are beautifully interwoven.


During the workshop, your creation created a safe foundation that I needed to open up to the process and the other dancers. Just as life is a process, so was the installation you made for the 5Rhythms dance workshop Cycles. It's wonderful how you use the growth processes in nature as a mirror for our personal growth. And as we danced through our stages of birth, childhood, adolescence, adulthood  and old age, your installation grew with us every day. Your tangible memory of nature gave me a lot of support when I was having a hard time. She reminded me that I am part of Mother Earth and thus gave me the safe foundation I needed to open up to the process and the other dancers. So thank you for that! Your installations are perfect as a backdrop for workshops and retreats or as a cool, creative addition to the decor in a theater piece. Because you work intuitively, no two installations will be the same and there is room to create something that fully matches the space, the group and the moment in terms of form and energy. Merel van der lande - participant 5 rhythm workshop

Nina's installation really expressed the essence of our research: a clear vision that focuses our attention on the positive in the archetypes, but without being too prescriptive. It was a pleasure to work and communicate with her, and the whole team enjoyed helping with the creations every day in limited time. I love her confidence and dedication to the artistic process, developing ideas and adapting to my changing schedule. Alex Mackay - 5 rhythm teacher

Nina's creations inspire an extra layer in the dance and the experience of the workshop. "I enjoy working with Nina on the installations in my workshops and classes. One of the things I like about her and her approach is that she really goes for it. She has ideas about how we can create extra atmosphere and inspiration before and during the workshop. And she is open to talking about it in advance. Her creations inspire an extra layer in the dance and the experience of the workshop. I usually experience them as lively, in the sense that they use natural materials and plants contain, but also that they change over time. The installations invite you to look and be there. I trust that if I give Nina the task of creating works of art for my workshop, I can imagine that they will be similar can create installations for workshops, seminars, theater and places where a creative visual representation of the event can add an extra layer to the experience." Mirjam van Hasselt - 5 rhythm teacher

Invest in a transformation installation for your workshop.

The costs of a transformation installation start from €550 excluding VAT.

In addition, there are material costs, which are surprisingly affordable because I often work with found natural and recycled materials.

Travel costs may also apply.

If it concerns a multi-day workshop where you need an installation that transforms over the days, I expect free participation in the workshop or retreat. This way I can continue to transform creation in the process. An amount of €150 per day will be charged for daily adjustments.

Invest in a transformation installation and give your workshop an unforgettable and impactful experience. Contact me today to discuss the possibilities and work together on an enchanting transformation for your event.

Example of a 'transformation installation'

"Last May I created spatial work for the workshop called 'Cycles', a 5-day workshop that focuses on the different phases of a person's life. For this workshop, I mirrored the participants' life stages to those of nature, as a reminder that we are part of nature. Every day I adjusted the workshop so that it was in sync with the workshop program.

Tammy Bernstein -
5rhythm teacher


frequently asked questions How long does it take to set up and dismantle the transformation plant? The time required to set up and dismantle the transformation installation can vary. In my experience, I need on average about 3 hours for setup and 1 hour for disassembly. Is the transformation installation suitable for both indoor and outdoor locations? Yes, the transformation installation is tailor-made for the specific workshop or event. This allows me to create installations that are suitable for indoor locations as well as installations that are suitable for outdoor locations. Can I also reuse the transformation installation later for other workshops? No, unfortunately this is not possible. The transformation installation is a unique work of art that is specifically designed and constructed for each workshop. As a result, I cannot guarantee reuse in other workshops. What are the costs and availability of the transformation installation? The costs for the transformation installation start at €550. In addition, travel costs and material costs will be added. For multi-day workshops there is a free participation for me, so that I can apply the transformation before the start of each new workshop day. Installation availability depends on my schedule, so it is best to contact me specifically about this. How can I work with you to seamlessly integrate the transformation installation into my workshop? I need at least 3 hours to set up the installation. It is best to plan this well in advance and contact me specifically about this. The installation will be dismantled after the workshop, so that the participants will not be affected by this. Are there any specific requirements or preparations I need to make before installing the transformation plant? During our initial discussion I will ask you to provide room dimensions, photos and other relevant information. Based on this, I can tailor the installation and make the necessary preparations. Can I get references from previous workshop facilitators or organizers who have used the transformation installation? Certainly! I can provide you with references from previous workshop facilitators or organizers who have used the transformation installation. You can also read the review above for an example of a previous participant's experiences

transformation installation is NOT for you if: You know exactly what you want and expect me to do it for you. My strength lies in designing a work of art based on your input, where you also get my imagination. If you are looking for a standard work of art without personal meaning. My focus is on creating unique pieces that resonate with your own story and growth process of the participants. This experience is NOT suitable for people who do not have room for introspection and personal growth. The transformation installation is designed to challenge you and guide you in exploring your inner world. If you are looking for quick results without a willingness to invest time and energy in the creative process, then this transformation installation may not be the right choice for you. It requires patience, openness and willingness to be surprised.


Contact us for an installation